What is this game?

This game was created by a newbie solo game developer as a part of a two day self-imposed game jam during a frigid weekend! So temper your expectations - but it was fun to create!

The game is a very simple and silly endless runner game where the goal is to stay alive as long as possible. The characters and items are heavily inspired by FUWAMOCO.

Your life depletes with time and the only way to restore it is to eat Pon de Rings (or huffing cats). As you stay alive, your speed will gradually increase. There is some increased variety in the screens/obstacles as you progress, although there is still lots of room for improvement there.

I had a lot of fun creating it and I'm happy I was able to have something to post, even if I acknowledge it is very basic and buggy - it has been a great learning experience that I will use on more in depth projects or potential improvements to this silly prototype in the future. 

Current known missing items are: 

-no audio (big one, likely will add as it is important but I ran out of time)

-greater variety in the screens that can spawn

-better tuning of the speed and challenge curve, it's a bit random and not the most rewarding at the moment

-improved visuals / animations, especially for the UI

Posting this mostly so I can look back on it in the future to see my improvements! If I can do something like this, truly anyone can! YOU CAN DO IT!


This free game has been created following COVER Corp.'s derivative works guidelines. This is not an official hololive game, it is a fan-made game.

The developer is not endorsed nor affiliated with hololive, COVER Corp, or any of its talents. All holopro talents are ©2016 COVER Corp.


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You created this game in just 2 days? Nice job!

I hope you come back to this project and polish it a bit more in the future!

This was my best score: